Saturday, August 29, 2020

Day 29: 30 Days of Doll Shirts

Day 29:  Monograms

 One more day!


  1. I love this! I follow and I am a subscriber of your YouTube videos. I have always had a love for sewing and I started sewing very young too. My mother and grandmother(may they rest in peace) did a lot of sewing(especially quilts) and my passion grew. You have inspired me to do a lot more with my sewing creativity! :) I would like to ask about the cute little shoes that are on the Josefina American Girl Doll. Are those little shoes part of your pattern bundle?

  2. Thank you for subscribing! I have another pattern bundle in the making with the shoes included...however, pattern making takes a long time (well, for me). Drawing the pattern is easy, but testing the pattern MANY times is a slow process. I want a precise fit.
